About Me Press kit The Butt interview

Well, that’s a surprise. I thought it would never happen and i was kinda disapointed because it took so long for them to publish it. But you forget all your bad thoughts when you see your name in a publication that matters. Billy Miller started the interview and Adam Baran from Butt took over and made sure the interview was up to date.

It’s not only an ego thing even if there is something like that. I truly believe Magazine and Butt are connected in many ways and it’s a big honnor for me to see this connection established. I’ve always seen Butt like a younger, stronger, modern version of the old Magazine and we could go on forever talking about the pros & cons of that. What matters to me is that more people can look at Magazine, look at the pics, try to understand what we were doing... a quarter of a century ago.
Thank you Butt.

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